A thing about being older that is you pivot, at a point, from looking forward and into looking into a future that wasn't but could have been. It's not quite a tense in grammar, although it should...
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Elrond the Dad
Marks on Substrate
Sayla knew that the idea of noncorporeality, of bits sans grit, bodiless data, was an illusion, the construct of a mind that was itself a construct. The divide between simulation and reality was...
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Curiously, the instrument's murderer had transported the wreck from the original crime scene and laid the carcass here like an offering to the passers-by. Trams came and went, the passengers...
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Surfaceless Mirror
An unpaved path dribbled down the hill from an unseen height. A squat stone idol stood sentry at the road's introduction, grinning at an eroded bench of sympathetic make. Nat hovered in this...
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The Horse Fields
Nathan Galdrar, former lab tech, stumbled on the unlikely horse pasture. A speckled Arabian raised its head, half-alert, and then returned to its grassy fare. Nat envied the beast. Fine gradients of...
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Field Work
Months of solitary field work culminated for Moreaux with the rejection of his grant proposal. Unsatisfactory scientific rigor, they said. Like a stomach-punch. (He was once literally gut-punched in...
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The Difference
"What is it doing?" Sorley asked. His eyes fell in on the fractally regressive gears smoothly rearranging dumb matter into information.
The lieutenant peered over his daily rag, squint-eyed with...
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Distant bells rang the New Year, and here was a sign, this...lurker, that a month yet spanned the remainder of night. It perched atop the Library of all places, as if peering over the edge of reason....
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