Clay and Air

Creationists point to the eye as evidence of design. This is a sorry strategy, because the human eye is not very well put together. But it isn't the poorness of the design that gets me, though, it's...
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The Crone’s Illusion

Below is a repost, salvaged from the olden days, of my thoughts on the film Agora, which I most heartily acclaim. My reaction to Agora was highly charged, and I wanted to let myself cool down long...
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Red Riding Hood

After posting the bit on Genesis, I was challenged, jokingly I'm sure, to explain Little Red Riding Hood in the same way. Challenge accepted. The redness of the girl's cloak is a later...
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Genesis, Briefly

Reposting a post that I wrote on Reddit. Standard interpretations of the first bits of Genesis are very badly done. It isn't, and never was, a story about something that happened. What it really...
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